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趣书吧 > 古罗马历史 > 第9章 下层世界

第9章 下层世界



Vergilius poēta ubi fābula dē Aenēae fugā incīpiēbat auxilium ā Mūsā, sed ubi dē Dītis rēgnōā deīs īnferīs, peīvit. Deum auxiliō omnia sub terrā aspexit et in fābula narrāvit.

Aenēās ut cum Sibyllā duce ad Orcī līmen accessit mala nūmina vīdit Cūrārum Morbōrumque et Famis Egestātisque, terribilium formārum. Hīc erant et Mors et Labor et Somnus Mortis frāter, tunc malōrum Gaudiōrum et denīque Bellī Caediumque ferōrum animae. Aspiciēbantur et mōnstra, Centaurī Scyllaeque biformēs et centumgeminus Briareus ac bēlua Lernae Chimaeraque, Gorgonēs Harp?iaeque et forma tricorporis Gēryonis umbrae. Aenēās pugnam incīpiēbat, sed virō Sibylla “Nōn vēra” praecēpit “mōnstra sunt, sed mōnstrōrum umbrae omnēs.”

Tum ad locum accessērunt ubi Acherōn amnis in Coc?tum fluit propinquus Stygiae palūdī. Hīc multitūdō animārum virōrum fēminārumque et puerōrum puellārumque in rīpā stābat. Mūnera sepulcrī frūstrā expectābant, nam hominēs sī sepulcrō carent trāns amnem nōn prōcēdunt. Portitor Charōn, deus hominī veterī foedōque similis, ubi aureum rāmum aspexerat Aenēam Sibyllamque trāns amnem nōn celeriter portāvit, ubi Cerberus canis trīceps portam servābat. Anguēs ingenti Cerberō prō iuba erant. Dēiphoba autem offam medicātem ācrī canī praebuit et Cerberum ubi offam vorāverat somnus occupāvit.

Trāns amnem ad locum accessērunt ubi iūdex Minos Crētae rēx mortuōs iūdicat. Locō fīnitimī erant Campī Luctuōsī, quō hominēs accēdunt ubi dolōre amōris cōnfectī sunt. Hīc per altās silvās campōsque lātōs errant ambulantque tristēs et post mortem. Nunc inter miserās umbrās fēminārum Aenēās aspexit formam nōtam.


The poet, Virgil, when he was beginning the story about the escape of Aeneas, sought help from a Muse, but when he was beginning the story about the kingdom of Dis, he sought help from the lower gods. With the help of the gods, he looked at everything under the ground and told them in the story.

Aeneas, as with the Sybil as guide, approached the threshold of the underworld and he sees evil spirits of terrible forms, Anxiety Disease, Hunger, and Poverty. Here were Death, Suffer, and Sleep, the brother of Death, then there were the evil souls, Joy and finally War and Savage Slaughter. They were seen and monster, the centaur and Scylla and the two faced Briareus and the beasts of Lerna and Chimaera, the Gorgons and Harpies, and the three-bodied form of the ghost of Geryon. Aeneas wwas beginning a fight, but the Sybil instructed the man, “They are not real monsters, but all are ghosts of monsters.”

Then they went to the place where the river of Acheron flows into the Cocytus near the Styxian Swamp. Here multitude souls of men and women and boys and girls were standing on the bank. They were waiting for their rites of burial in vain, if people are lacking their burial, then they will not proceed across the river. Charon, the ferryman, a god similar to an old and nasty person, whe he had seen the golden branch, he carried Aeneas and the Sybil across the river not swiftly, to where Cerberis the three headed dog was guarding the gates. Snakes were in place of the scruff of the huge Cerberis. However Deiphobe offered drugged treat to the fierce dog and when he had devoured the treat, sleep seized him.

They went across the river to the place where the judge Minos, king of Crete, judges the dead. The Fields of Mourning (Campī Luctuōsī) were near the place, where people went when the pain of love was finished. Here they wander through the deep forest and wide fields and sadly walk even after death. Now between the wretched ghostsd of women, Aeneas saw a known form.



埃涅阿斯在预言家的指引下,走近了地狱的门槛,他看到了可怕的恶灵: 焦虑、饥饿和贫困。这里有死亡、苦难和睡眠,死亡的兄弟,然后是邪恶的灵魂、欢乐,最后是战争和野蛮的屠杀。他们还看到了怪物: 半人马和斯库拉,两面的布里亚柔斯、名为勒纳(九头蛇)和奇美拉的野兽、蛇发女妖和鹰身女妖(哈耳庇厄),以及革律翁鬼魂的三体形态。埃涅阿斯正准备战斗,先知却指示他:“他们不是真正的怪物,而是怪物的鬼魂。”

随后他们前往了冥河沼泽附近的阿刻戎河流入科赛特斯的地方。岸边站着无数男人、女人、男孩和女孩的灵魂。他们在徒劳地等待他们的葬礼,如果人们没有他们的葬礼,那么他们就不会渡河。卡戎,摆渡人,类似于一个肮脏老人的神,当他看到金枝时,他载着埃涅阿斯和先知,慢慢地过了河,来到了守卫大门的三头狗, 刻耳柏洛斯那里。巨大的地狱犬的颈背上被蛇取代了。然而,戴福比给这只凶猛的狗喂了含有催眠药的饼,当它吃完后,他就睡着了。


作者有话要说:哀悼田野/哀悼场-fields of mourning 是希腊地狱里面的一个区域,这里的灵魂都死于心碎,他们都因情而死






asphodel fields-水仙平原,希腊神话中普通人死后会去的地方


在希腊神话的冥界中又五大河流:阿刻戎(Acheron)— 痛苦之河,科赛特斯(Cocytus)— 悲叹之河,里忒(Lethe)—遗忘之河(忘川),皮里佛勒戈同(Phlegethon)—火焰之河,斯提克斯(Styx)— 苦难之河、守誓之河、愤怒之河(一般都是对这条河发誓。例如我们会对天发誓,希腊人就是对斯提克斯河发誓)


