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趣书吧 > 雅思再爱我一次 > 第1章 第 1 章

第1章 第 1 章



a block away 离一个街区远

cut across , get across 径直穿过

detour 绕.…...而行

cross 穿过

go through 经过

go up 向上走

access 进入

annex 附加物,指侧厅或边房

bypass 旁道,边道

pedestrian crossing 人行横道

corridor 走廊

flyover 立交桥

intersection 十字路口

landmark 地标

overpass 天桥

pavement 人行道= sidewalk ( American ):车道= roadway ( British )

underpass 地下通道

signpost 路标


表示表面的词汇: surface , face , cover , crust , outside

表示边缘的词汇: edge , brim , brink , rim , fringe , border

表示上面的词汇: top , above , upper , over

表示下面的词汇: bottom , base , basin , beneath , lower , below

表示顶点的词汇: peak , summit , tip , apex , point

中心: core , heart , center , middle , mid - central

前后左右: in front of , in the front of , back , rear , end , behind , after , left , right , to the extreme right side , the far left / right , the upper / lower left / right , the middle left / right 旁边: beside , next to , adjacent to , near

拐角处: in the corner of , on the corner of , at the corner of , in the far left / right corner , sharp corner , in the corner , on the corner 和 at the corner

补充:三个词均为"在....角"。 in the corner 为"在....角里"; on the corner 为"在.....角上""在....拐角上"; at the corner 为"在.….…角边"。

例如: The bank is on ( at ) the corner .银行就在拐角上。

In the corner of the office stands a desk , on the corner of which lies a bag .在办公室的角落有一张桌子,在桌角上放着一个口袋。

corner 作"拐角"解,与之搭配的介词,美国英语多用 on ,英国英语通常用 at : corner 作角(即180°以内的角)解时与之搭配的介词用 in ,在……内部的"角",习惯上用 in the corner of ....


例如:误: The girl sat at the corner in the classroom 正: The girl sat in the corner in the classroom .


对面: opposite , facing

东西南北: East / South / West / North

末端: at the end of , at the far end , walk down to the back of

平行: parallel to

一直朝前: straight head , go along
