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趣书吧 > 雅思再爱我一次 > 第85章 工作类

第85章 工作类


flow of personnel 人才流动

raindrain / talent outflow 人才流失

gender equality 男女平等,性别平等

gender discrimination 性别歧视

stereotype 刻板印象,思维定式( stereotyped image of a woman )

feminism 女性主义

ambitious 雄心壮志的,野心勃勃的

adaptability 适应性

adapt oneself to .使自己适应...

prosperity 繁荣

be disadvantageous to ...对…不利

mechanism of personnel flow 人才流动机制

survival of the fittest 适者生存


sense of accomplishment 成就感

potentiality 潜能

learn to cooperate and comprise 学习合作和妥协

be deeply impressed with .对…印象很深

company philosophy 企业文化

flexibility 灵活性

competitive 竞争激烈的

arena 舞台

team - work spirit 团队合作精神

treasure opportunity 珍惜机会

fat salary 收入颇丰

harmonious interpersonal relationship 和谐的人际关系

sense of responsibility 责任感

material gains 物质待遇

promising future 光明的前途

bright prospect 光明的前景

a decent / well - paid job / occupation / profession 一份体面/高薪的工作

promising / bright career prospect 光明的职业前景

turning point 转折点

be closely related to .与.……息息相关

get advanced in the society 出人头地

chance of promotion 升迁机会

stability and satisfaction 稳定感和满足感

keep skills fresh and up - to - date 使技能可以不断更新

balance work and life 平衡工作和生活

from - nine - to - five 朝九晚五一族

enrich one ' s social experience 丰富社会阅历

cultivate ones independence and toughness 丰富一个人的社会阅历

seek for personal development 追求个人发展

display one ' s talent 展示才能

sense of self - fulfillment 自我实现感

promotion opportunity 提升机会

meet one ' s ' personalized needs 满足某人个性化需求

define one ' s ' role 确定自己的角色

social recognition 社会认可

accumulate experience 获取经验

inspiring 鼓舞人心的

motivation 动机

workaholic 工作狂

working environment 工作环境

work overtime 加班

frequently business trip 频繁的出差

improve one ' s ' capabilities 提高某人能力

develop one ' s ' talents 培养才智

ideal workplace 理想工作场所

master interpersonal skills 掌握人际交往技能

nefit from 从中受益

put forward valuable suggestions / advice ( advice 不可数)提出宝贵建议 play major role in easing traffic 在缓解交通压力上扮演了重要角色 participate in the reconstruction of the city 参与城市重建 raise the environmental management level 提高环境管理水平 create pleasant ecological environment 创造出一种和谐的生态环境

give priority to / prioritize 优先关注 catch much attention 引起很大关注 resource allocation 资源配置

perfect the construction of urban infrastructure 完善城市基础设施建设

reduce the number of vehicles 减少车辆

water scarcity 水短缺

the environmental pollution 环境污染

over - industrialization 过度工业化

over - crowdedness 过度拥挤

unemployment 失业

wealth distribution 财富分配 social instability 社会动荡 rising crime rate 犯罪率上升 put the blame on 归咎于.… household chores 家务活 physical strength 身体力量

intellectual 智力的

liberation 解放

job market 工作市场

mechanism of personnel flow 人才流动机制

survival of the fittest 适者生存

a sense of accomplishment 成就感

company philosophy 企业文化

team - work spirit 团队合作精神

a fat salary 收入颇丰

a harmonious interpersonal relationship 和谐的人际关系

material gains 物质待遇

promising future 光明的前途

bright prospect 光明的前景
