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趣书吧 > 雅思再爱我一次 > 第48章 翻译练习1

第48章 翻译练习1



错误的句子: Exercise regularly can rise one ' s confidence .

错误1 Exercise 如果这里是动词,应该用动名词,如果是名词,不能用副词修饰

错误2 rise 不及物动词

正确的句子: Regular exercise can increase one ' s self - confidence .

句子结构:主语+及物动词+宾语( confidence )


Participating in sports frequently can boost people ' s confidence , which is important not only to the youth but also to the elderly .

注:不可以说" regular doing exercise ",因为形容词 regular 不可以修饰 doing



错误的句子: Teaching qualities are important to students improve academic performance

错误1 quality 表示质量的时候不可数

错误2 to 是介词,后面不用加句子

正确的句子: The quality of teaching can make a huge difference to students ' academic performance .



The quality of teaching can make a huge difference to students ' academic performance . and therefore , parents prefer to choose prestigious schools for children .



错误的句子: parents and teachers should do their efforts to curb the time of watching TV on children .

错误1 make an effort to 固定表达

错误2 curb 一般是抑制某种行为,而不是接 time .

错误3" watching TV on children "也不通。

正确的句子: parents and teachers should make an effort to limit children ' s screen time .

句子结构:主语( parents and teachers )+及物动词( make )+宾语( effort )拓展的句子: Parents and teachers should make an effort to limit

children ' s screen time , thereby protecting children ' s eyesight and encourage them to do more out - door activities .

错误: protecting 和 encourage 不对称

正确的句子: Parents and teachers should make an effort to limit children ' s screen time , thereby protecting children ' s eyesight and encouraging them to do more outdoor activities .

注:这句话的分词最好不要改成定语从句,因为前面不知道是修饰" screen time "还是" limit screen time "


翻译4:经济的下滑( economic slowdown )导致失业率的上升

错误的句子: Economic slowdown made the climbing unemployment rate .



正确的句子: Economic slowdown has led to a climbing unemployment rate .


拓展的句子: Economic slowdown has led to a climbing unemployment rate , in view of the fact that employers are reluctant to recruit new employees so as to cut overhead .

错误:可能产生歧义," recruit new employees "是雇佣," reluctant to recruit new employees "是不愿意雇用。到底是哪个事情导致" cut overhead "?

正确的句子: Economic slowdown has led to a climbing unemployment rate because employers intend to cut overheads and refuse to recruit newemployees .



Economic slowdown has led to a climbing unemployment rate , as people balk at starting up new businesses and a number of giant companies downsize their workforce .



错误的句子: The economic development requires a great number of fresh working forces

错误1 working force 没有这个表达

正确的句子: A country ' s economic development relies on a supply of young workers



也可以用分句扩充," the problem is that "是表语从句

A country ' s economic development relies on a supply of young workers , but the problem is that the aging society has an adverse impact on the labour force .



错误的句子: People do with heavy workload cannot have adequate times to rest and recharge batteries

错误1 do 不知道功能是干嘛的。

错误2 time 不可数

错误5 cannot 是表示不可能,这里应该是 do not

正确的句子: People with a heavy workload do not have adequate time to rest

句子结构:主语+及物动词+宾语," to rest and recharge batteries "不定式充当 time 的后置定语也可以用定语从句扩充

People with a heavy workload do not have adequate time to rest , which can be harmful to their fitness .



错误的句子: Large number of students in China have to study at night .错误1" a large number of "固定搭配

正确的句子: A large number of students in China have to do self - study at night .



A large number of students in China have to do self - study at night , so extra - curricular activities have to give way to studies .


翻译8: heritage sites 因为城市发展而受到威胁

错误的句子: The development of cities have pose a threat on heritage sites .

错误1 have pose 动词错误而且主谓不一致

错误2 pose a threat to 固定搭配

正确的句子: The development of cities has posed a threat to heritage sites .

句子的结构:主语( development )+及物动词( pose )+宾语( threat )还可以用并列句扩充

The development of cities has posed a threat to heritage sites , but the government has no idea whether to protect or demolish these structions .


正确的句子: The development of cities has posed a threat to heritage sites .

句子的结构:主语( development )+及物动词( pose )+宾语( threat )还可以用并列句扩充

The development of cities has posed a threat to heritage sites , but the government has no idea whether to protect or demolish these structions .



错误的句子: It cannot be ignored by people to have some face - to - face communication .

错误1 it 指代不清楚

错误2" to have face - to - face communication "不定式一般是表示没有发生而有可能发生的事情。

正确的句子: We should not ignore face - to - face communication .

句子结构:主语+及物动词+宾语( communication )


We should not ignore face - to - face communication because this has a direct impact on social relationships .


Internet can enrich our social lives , but we should not ignore face - to - face communication , because this has a direct impact on social relationships .



错误的句子: Some public services have problems in break even .错误1 break 是动词,在这里 in 是介词,后面应该加动名词正确的句子: Some public services have problems in breaking even .

句子结构:主语+及物动词( have )+宾语( problems )


Some public services have problems in breaking even and need government funds .



错误的句子: We have to consider about social and economic context .错误1 consider 及物动词,后面不需要加介词

正确的句子: We have to consider the social and economic context .



We have to consider the social and economic context when analysing the root causes of juvenile delinquency .



错误的句子: Intensive farming poses a threat to stemming the lose of bio - diversity .

错误1pose a threat to stemming the loss of bio - diversity ,太罗嗦了。

错误2 lose 是动词, OF 前后一般要有名词

正确的句子: Intensive farming can pose a threat to bio - diversity .

句子结构:主语+及物动词+宾语( threat )


Intensive farming has a great impact on natural flora and can pose a threat to bio - diversity .



Intensive farming has a seriously negative impact on natural flora , and this may pose a threat to sustainable development of agriculture .中文:密集种植对天然植物有严重的负面影响,这可能对农业的可持续发展有威胁。


错误的句子: Equal access to education can overcome educational underachievement .

错误1 overcome educational underachievement 搭配不好" educational underachievement "是指学生成绩不好的意思。正确的句子: Equal access to education can help tackle educational underachievement .

句子的结构:主语+及物动词( help )+宾语( to tackle ….这里省略了 to )


Local authorities should ensure equal access to education , which can help tackle educational underachievement , a problem found among disadvantaged children .

a problem 在这里是个同位语,指代前面的" educational underachievement ";而" found among disadvantaged children "过去分词,充当定语。



错误的句子: Contacting with a wide variety of cultures can promote the creativity of native culture .

错误1 Contacting with 中国式英文

错误2 native culture 别扭,不知道为什么要说本土文化

正确的句子: Exposure to different cultures can encourage creativity .



Exposure to different cultures can encourage creativity , which is an asset for enterprises or countries .


翻译15:政府应该重视社会福利( welfare services ),尤其是医疗服务。错误的句子: The government should give a priority to social welfare , especially the healthcare

错误1 give priority to 没有 a

正确的句子: The government should give priority to welfare services ,especially the healthcare .



some people suggest that the government should give priority to welfare services , especially the healthcare , which helps stop the disadvantaged population dying needlessly .



错误的句子: Education may do hold the key to one ' s job prospect .错误: may 和 do 不能连用。

正确的句子: Education may hold the key to one ' s job prospect .

句子结构:主语( education )+及物动词 hold )+宾语( the key )拓展的句子:可以使用状语从句

Education may hold the key to one ' s job prospect , especially when people intend to find jobs in the hi - tech industry .


错误的句子: Use fossil fuels can cause damage to the environmental problem .

错误: USE 是动词,不能作为主语。

错误: cause damage to 已经表示出对环境的破坏,不需要再说 problem

正确的句子: The use of fossil fuels can cause damage to the environment .

句子结构:主语( use )+及物动词( can cause )+宾语( damage )


The use of fossil fuels can cause damage to the environment , possibly because it creates air pollution .


错误的句子: Building apartment blocks contribute to solve the crowed problem in cities

错误1 building 是动名词,主谓不一致

错误2 contribute to 后面要加名词,而不是动词原形

错误3 crowed problem 没有这个表达

正确的句子: Building apartment blocks helps solve overcrowding in cities .

句子结构:主语+及物动词( helps )+宾语( solve overcrowding ,省略了 to ,本来是不定式 to solve overcrowding )

拓展的句子: Building apartment blocks helps solve overcrowding in cities , because it can contain more people with limited space .错误: contain more people 搭配不是很好

正确的句子: Apartment blocks , which make the most of land and space , help solve overcrowding in cities .



错误的句子: People at disadvantage are likely to improve their social status by working hard , studying hard .

错误1 at disadvantage 没有这个表达

错误2 working hard , studying hard 没有连词

正确的句子: People from disadvantaged backgrounds can improve their social status by working hard .

句子结构:主语( people )+及物动词( improve )+宾语( status )," from disadvantaged backgrounds "是 people 的定语


People from disadvantaged backgrounds can improve their social status by working hard and this seems an arduous but rewarding process .



错误的句子: Because of the globalisation , people should work with others who comes from different backgrounds .

错误1 the globalization 的 the 比较多余

错误2 who comes from 没有必要用定语从句

错误3 should 有点过分了,"必须"的意思

正确的句子: Because of globalisation , people need to work with those from diverse backgrounds .

注:这里的 those 就是其他人的意思,不能说 those people ,这样会和主语重复。

句子结构:主语( people )+及物动词( need )+宾语( to work )," because of globalisation "介宾短语充当状语


错误的句子: We must take measurement to tackle thorny problems .错误 measurement 的意思是测量

正确的句子: We need to take action to solve some intractable problems .

句子结构:主语( we )+及物动词( need )+宾语( to take ….)


错误的句子: Medias exaggerate the hurt of victims to attract public attentions .


错误2:hurt是动词, OF 前后要加名词。


正确的句子: The media attract public attention by sensationalising victims ' suffering .

句子结构:主语( the media )+及物动词( attracts )+宾语( attention );" by +…"方式状语

拓展的句子: The media attract public attention by sensationalising victims ' suffering , while ignore harmful consequences bring to them , such as their exposure to the public .


错误2 ignore 和 bring 两个动词。

错误3 them 指代不清楚

正确的句子: The media attracts public attention by sensationalising victims ' suffering , while ignoring harmful consequences to these individuals , such as their exposure to the public .




错误的句子: Genetic engineering allows people to nurture new species crops .

错误1 species crops 语序有问题

正确的句子: Genetic engineering allows people to nurture crop varieties .

句子结构:主语+及物动词+宾语( people )+宾语补足语( to nurture .)


Genetic engineering allows people to nurture crop varieties that are resistant to drought , thereby improving land productivity .



错误的句子: Doing exercises regularly helps people maintain a healthy state of mind .

错误1 Doing exercises 一般是不可数

正确的句子: Doing exercise regularly helps people maintain a healthy state of mind .

句子结构:主语+及物动词+宾语( people )+宾语补足语( to maintain …省略了 to )


Doing exercise regularly helps people maintain a healthy state of mind and makes it easier for them to cope with stress .



错误的句子: Unhealthy lifestyle is likely to make people at risk of illness .

错误1:make somebody do something 或者是 make somebody +形容词是更常见的用法。


正确的句子: An unhealthy lifestyle may put people at risk of illness .句子结构:主语( An unhealthy lifestyle )+及物动词( put )+宾语( people )+宾语补足语( at risk of illness )


错误的句子: Scholarship could be regarded as something to inspire more students to take postgraduate curriculum .

错误1 scholarship 可数名词,应该有复数或者冠词

错误2 regarded as something 太过罗嗦

错误3 curriculum 不是 course 的替换词, curriculum 的意思是课程大纲

正确的句子: Government grants could encourage more students to take postgraduate courses .

句子结构:主语( government grants )+及物动词( encourage )+宾语( students )+宾语补足语( to take postgraduate courses )


错误的句子: Replacing the long sentence by working for the locals provides offenders with transferable skills .


正确的句子: Community service provides offenders with opportunities to acquire transferable skills .

句子结构:主语+及物动词+宾语( offenders )+宾语补足语( with opportunities to …)

还可以用并列句扩充 Community service provides offenders with opportunities to acquire transferable skills and gives them a flying start when they are released .中文:社区服务给犯人提供获得实用技能的机会,给他们好的起点当他们被释放后。


错误的句子: the government should introduce a law which is drunk driving a criminal offence .

错误定语从句还原是" a law is drunk driving "显然不对。中国学生有个误区,就是一定要写个从句,才能加分。

正确的句子: Legislation should make drink driving a criminal offence .句子结构:主语( legislation )+及物动词( make )+宾语( drink driving )+宾语补足语( a criminal offence )

翻译29:乡村地区给人们提供机会去远离现代生活的压力和噪音。错误的句子: rural area provides people with opportunity to escape pressure and noises of modern life .

错误1:rural area 可数名词,没有冠词,或者复数。

错误2: opportunity 在这里用复数比较好。

正确的句子: Rural areas provide people with opportunities to escape pressure and noises of modern life .

句子结构:主语( rural areas )+及物动词( provide )+宾语( people )+宾语补足语( with opportunities )

拓展的句子: Rural area is beneficial to people ' s fitness , because it provides people with opportunities to escape pressure and noises of modern life .

错误: rural area 可数名词,没有冠词,或者复数。


正确的句子: Rural areas are beneficial to people ' s health , providing people with opportunities to escape pressure and noises of modern life .中文:乡村地区对人们的健康有益,因为它给人们提供机会去远离现代生活的压力和噪音。

翻译30:人口老龄化促使国家去提高法定退休年龄( statutory retirement age )。

错误的句子: Compulsory retirement age will be abolished , and the reason is attributed to population aging and urban .

错误1: retirement age 是可数名词

错误2: reason is attributed to 这个搭配不好

正确的句子: The ageing population has prompted countries to raise the statutory retirement age .

句子结构:主语( ageing population )+及物动词( prompt )+宾语( countries )+宾语补足语( to raise …)

拓展的句子: The ageing population leads to a shortage of skillful workers , a problem which has promote countries to raise the statutory retirement age .

错误:应该是 skilled workers . Skillful 表示人们做某事的时候所展示的技艺娴熟

正确的句子: The ageing population leads to a shortage of highly skilled workers , a problem which has prompted countries to raise the statutory retirement age .

注: a problem 在这里是同位语,指代前面的 shortage



翻译31:政府提供一些城市很多资金去保护历史建筑( historic buildings )。

错误的句子: Many areas now pay attention to protect historic buildings .

错误: pay attention to 的 to 是介词,后面不能加动词

正确的句子: Governments should offer some cities funds to preserve historic buildings .

句子结构:主语( areas )+及物动词( offer )+间接宾语( some cities )+直接宾语( funds )


拓展的句子: Governments should offer some cities funds to preserve historic buildings , which are part of our cultural heritage .



错误的句子: Schools should allow teachers to make the children with disruptive behaviours go out of classrooms .

错误: children with disruptive behaviours 略显罗嗦

正确的句子: Teachers should be permitted to use force to remove disruptive children from the classroom .

原句: Schools should permit teachers to use force to remove disruptive children from the classroom .

句子结构:主语( schools )+及物动词( permit )+宾语( teachers )+宾语补足语( to use force …)

翻译33:农村的失业问题在某种程度上可以通过城乡转移( rural - to - urban shift )解决。

错误的句子: Unemployment in rural areas can be address by rural - to - urban shift .


错误2 shift 是可数名词,最好要有冠词

正确的句子: Unemployment in rural areas can be addressed partially by the rural - to - urban shift .


拓展的句子: Unemployment in rural areas can be addressed partially by the rural - to - urban shift , because rural areas are lac of industry and services , which causes high unemployment rate .



错误3:一般不要 lack of 充当表语

正确的句子: The lack of infrastructure and government funding in rural areas is the main cause of unemployment , which can be addressed partially by the rural - to - urban shift .


翻译34:高层建筑有时候被认为是城市的 eyesore 。

错误的句子(4.5分): Occasionally , high - rise buildings are tend to be regarded as the eyesore of a city .

错误1 Occasionally 表示的意思是"偶尔地,很少地"

错误2" be + do "永远是错的

正确的句子: High - rise buildings are sometimes regarded as eyesores of the city .

注:这句话里如果说" the eyesore "就是特指,意思就是城市只有一处难看的地方,事实上未必如此。

句子结构:" somebody regards something as something "是"主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语"的结构。



错误的句子: The investment on space technology should be supported

by government .

错误1 investment in 固定搭配

错误2 governments or the government

正确的句子: The investment in space technology should be supported by the government .

句子结构:主语+及物动词( support 被动语态)+宾语还可以用状语从句和并列句扩充

The investment in space technology should be supported by the government because the commercialization of such technology will bring more business opportunities and improve people ' s living standards .



错误的句子: Antique heritages should be completely preserved due to

its historical importance .

错误1 Antique heritages 没有这个表达

错误2 heritage 是个不可数名词

错误3既然主语是复数,为什么后面用代词" its "

正确的句子: Historic relics should be preserved for their historical significance .

句子结构:主语+及物动词( preserve 被动语态)+宾语


错误的句子: The main purpose of the school activities which can give the children ' s a sense of accomplishment is to promote the students ' s well being


错误2给学生成功感和提升学生的幸福应该不是方式和目的正确的句子: Sports and other school activities can be designed to give children a sense of accomplishment and to promote their well - being ..句子结构:主语+及物动词+宾语( design 的被动语态)注:也可以说 improve well - being .



错误的句子: Employee can breakthrough the obsoleted rules .错误1 breakthrough 是个名词,没动词

错误2 obsoleted 没有这个词,只有 obsolete

错误3 employee 为什么用单数,只有一个员工?

正确的句子: Some employees are encouraged to break the mould .

句子的结构:主语(省略)+及物动词( encourage 被动)+宾语( employees 变成了主语)+宾语补足语( to break the mould )还可以用定语从句扩充

Nowadays , companies prefer those employees who can break the mould .



错误的句子: Commuter time was prolonged because of traffic congestion .

错误1 Commuter time 不是固定词伙

错误2 was 时态错误

正确的句子: Commuting time has been prolonged because of traffic congestion .


句子结构:主语+及物动词( prolong 被动语态)+宾语中文:因为堵车上下班时间变得更长。


错误的句子: Computering applying in their academic study as well as their career life

错误1 applying 谓语不完整

错误2 career life 这个词伙不是很恰当

正确的句子: Computer skills can be applied in their studies as well as their working lives .

句子结构:主语+及物动词( apply 的被动语态)+宾语


Students can acquire computer skills which can be applied in their studies as well as their working lives .



错误的句子: The most of environmental degradation is contributed to human activities .

错误1:the most 一般加形容词,作为最高级

错误2: contribute to 一般用主动,而且和 attributed to 是相反的意思。

正确的句子: Most of environmental degradation is attributed to human activities .

句子结构:原句是"主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语"( attribute

something to something )



错误的句子: Many children are expose to violent contents in every day .

错误1 content 这个时候经常是不可数

错误2 expose 是及物动词," be + do "不准确错误3 every day 本身可以充当状语,不可以加介词 in 正确的句子: Many children are exposed to violent content every day .

句子结构:主语+及物动词(被动语态)( are exposed )+宾语补足语( to violent content )

原句可能是" something exposes children to violent content "(主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语)

拓展的句子: Many children are exposed to violent content every day , then acting up the crime . Because they treat it as a normal part of everyday life .

错误1: because 是从属连词,要加两个句子

错误2: act up 有问题,没必要用分词。

正确的句子: Many children are exposed to violent content every day and prone to act up , because they treat it as a normal part of everyday life .



错误的句子: Family environment is widely thought to be the most important influence on children development .

错误 children development 没有所有格

正确的句子: Family environment is widely thought / believed to be the most important influence on children ' s development .

句子结构:主语( family environment )+及物动词的被动语态( thought )+宾语补足语( to be )

翻译44:随着越来越多的年轻人参加志愿者工作,社区的凝聚力( cohesion )会加强


with more young people join the volunteer works , community ' s cohension will be enhanced .

错误1 with 是介词,后面不能加句子

错误2 work 不可数名词,不能加复数

正确的句子: With an increasing number of young people participating in volunteer work , community cohesion will be enhanced .

句子结构:主语( community cohesion )+及物动词的被动语态( be enhanced ),而" with an .….. participating in "是"介词+名词+分词"结构,充当状语


错误的句子 Immigrants sometimes was recognised as a threat to the social cohesion .



错误3 cohesion 不可数名词,为什么要用 the 去特指?

正确的句子: Immigrants are sometimes recognised as a threat to social cohesion .

句子结构:原句可能是" people sometimes recognise immigrants as a threat 。"(主语 people +及物动词 recognise +宾语 immigrants +宾语补足语 as a threat ),这句话是被动语态。



错误的句子: Young people without tertiary education qualifications normally have low - skilled jobs .

错误1" have low - skilled jobs "里的" have "语气比较弱,应该是只能找到。

正确的句子: Young people without tertiary education qualifications normally end up working in low - skilled jobs .

句子结构:主语+不及物动词( end up )+状语(分词 working in …)还可以用名词性从句,并列句来扩充

There is a widely held notion that young people without tertiary education qualifications normally end up working in low - skilled jobs and this can compromise the quality of life .



错误的句子: People hold the objection to the proliferation of genetically modified food .

错误1" hold the objection to "这个表达很不好,而且罗嗦正确的句子: Some people disapprove of genetically modified food .

句子结构:主语+不及物动词( disapprove )


Some people disapprove of genetically modified food , as they believe that this type of food does more harm than good .



错误的句子: Tourist spots devote to fulfilling tourists ' tastes and needs .

错误1 devote 是及物动词,后面要有宾语

错误2 fulfil tastes 不是个习惯词伙。

正确的句子: Tourist spots endeavor to cater for tourists ' tastes and needs .

句子结构:主语+不及物动词; to do 不定式


错误的句子: In the highly competitive society , working adults are usually focusing on career advancement .

错误1应该用" a ",而不是" the ",否则,别人还以为世界上只有一个激烈竞争的社会


正确的句子 In a highly competitive society , working adults usually focus on career advancement .

句子结构:主语+不及物动词( focus ),而" in a highly competitive society "是介宾短语充当状语


In a highly competitive society , working adults usually focus on career advancement , and have difficulty in achieving work - life balance .



错误的句子: Perception of beauty is differed from culture to culture .

错误 differ 是不及物动词,没有被动语态。



主语+不及物动词;" from culture to culture "介宾短语充当状语。

Perception of beauty differs from culture to culture .
